Siblings Becky, 6 months pregnant, and Cal DeMuth travel to San Diego. They hear a young boy, Tobin, calling for help from a field of tall grass. His mother, Natalie, shuts him up. Concerned, they enter but quickly get separated and finds that their distance changes unnaturally. Panicked, they decided to leave but can’t find the road. Becky encounters Tobin’s father Ross, he tells her to stay with him and don’t lose sight of him. She does lose him. Cal stumbles across a bruised, dirty Tobin holding a dead crow. Tobin claims the grass won’t move dead things and buries the bird in the path. He tells Cal that Becky will die soon and that the rock told him that. Tobin leads Cal to a rock in the field and tells him to touch it, interrupted by Becky’s scream, he is attacked by a ghost. In the Tall Grass 2019 full Movie Download
The father of Becky’s child, Travis, arrives looking for her and Cal. He investigates the field, stumbling across Tobin, implying that they are acquaintances, leading him to Becky’s corpse. Tobin arrives at a nearby church with his parents. Hearing Travis, who is now calling out to Tobin, their dog Freddy runs into the grass, and the family runs in after him, where Travis hears Tobin and looks for him. The family panics, with Ross stumbling across the rock and touching it. Becky and Cal re-enters the grass as Tobin states that Freddy died. Knowing the grass’s trait, Becky and Cal move towards Tobin, and all four find each other. Travis tells Becky and Cal that they had been missing for two months.