The theme of adultery and the idea of holding one hostage are two concepts not already wildly unexplored and Introspectum Motel is a little Fatal Attraction, a little Hard Candy and a little Hush Money but presents something wildly interesting with a rather basic premise of cheating and revenge but where it lacks in quantity (complete with a very small cast and limited locations), it more than makes up for in quality.Introspectum Motel is about a successful businessman who goes away on a conference trip absent of his wife but very much present in the arms of another woman.Introspectum Motel 2021 Full Movie Download
Unfortunately, the classic “the truth always comes out” really is something that Phillipe should have paid attention to. As stated, the plot is not particularly complex but what drives Introspectum Motel is the sinister unravelling of those truths, and the layers of lies that have been blocking the rabbit hole that ultimately gets fallen into. Both Phillipe and his companion, Camille (Gabriella Brinza), become trapped inside the motel and learn that their wonderland faces its jabberwock.Marcel Dorian is wonderfully unlikeable as Phillipe. At first, the seemingly awkward dialogue and emotionless presentation of Phillipe felt as if there was something missing but became abundantly clear that the cold, distant demeanor was just that; a little like Don Draper with less charm, selfish, cold, unwilling to take responsibility for his actions and lover of tarts. Dorian’s best work in this film as an actor comes when he’s scared for his life under the pressure of losing everything, with a real sense of helplessness but a strong head for negotiation.Speaking of, the performances are all top notch, and are arguably the strongest aspact of the entire affair. If you watch Introspectum Motel for nothing else, watch it for the performances. The cast is very small with only 8 in total and the vast majority of screen time going to only 2 others in Phillipe’s captor, Paul and Phillipe’s wife, Susan.