Jagame Thandhiram, which marks the maiden collaboration of Dhanush and filmmaker Karthik Subbaraj, has been predominantly shot in London and a few other places in the United Kingdom.On completion of the project, Dhanush had tweeted: “That’s a wrap for D 40. One of the quickest films I have done. It was a pleasure to work with such a quirky, sensible and visionary filmmaker like Karthik Subbaraj. This one is going to be special.”Last November, the team returned to India after shooting in London non-stop for 64 days. Producer Sashikanth said it was the longest schedule he had ever worked on in any film.Jagame Thandhiram 2021 Movie Download.
Recently, the rumour mills suggested that Jagame Thandhiram will head straight for an OTT (over-the-top) release. However, Karthik Subbaraj was quick to quash the speculation in a media interaction.“As of now, the producer has no plan to give the film for direct OTT release,” the director said. “We are certain that when theatres reopen, audiences will throng to watch movies. We will release our film in cinemas once normalcy returns.”An action thriller with gangster elements, Jagame Thandhiram features Aishwarya Lekshmi as the leading lady. Game Of Thrones and Braveheart actor James Cosmo plays a pivotal role in the film apart from Kalaiarasan and Joju George.Meanwhile, Dhanush has a long line-up of projects in his kitty. He has a project with Pariyerum Perumal (2018) director Mari Selvaraj titled Karnan. A first glimpse of Dhanush from the film was recently unveiled, in which he was seen wielding a sword.Jagame Thandhiram 2021 Movie Download.
Jagame Thandhiram, which marks the maiden collaboration of Dhanush and filmmaker Karthik Subbaraj, has been predominantly shot in London and a few other places in the United Kingdom.On completion of the project, Dhanush had tweeted: “That’s a wrap for D 40. One of the quickest films I have done. It was a pleasure to work with such a quirky, sensible and visionary filmmaker like Karthik Subbaraj. This one is going to be special.”Last November, the team returned to India after shooting in London non-stop for 64 days. Producer Sashikanth said it was the longest schedule he had ever worked on in any film.
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