The film begins in 1869 in the town of Brantford, New Hampshire. Two boys are seen breathlessly running with a box, which they proceed to bury in the woods.Jumanji full Movie Download In Hindi English.
The film then cuts to a century later in Brantford. A young boy named Alan Parrish is chased by a gang of bullies and seeks refuge in his father’s shoe factory. Alan encounters one of his father’s employees named Carl, who has created a prototype sneaker which he feels is the future of Parrish Shoes. Alan carelessly places the prototype on a conveyor belt as he is discovered by his father. Sam Parrish chastises his son for being bullied and claims that Alan needs to stand up for himself. As Alan leaves a grinding noise is heard from one of the factory’s machines.
Outside the factory, Alan is accosted by the bullies. One of them demands that Alan stay away from his girlfriend. Alan claims that he and the bully’s girlfriend are ‘just friends,’ but this just leads to them beating up Alan and taking his bike. As Alan recovers, a strange drum beat catches his ear, and he is drawn to a construction site. Wedged in a section of ground is the box the two boys had buried a century before. Alan pulls it out, opens it up, and finds a wooden board game inside named, ‘Jumanji.’
That evening, Alan’s parents are going out to an event. Alan’s mother has told his father that there are multiple bullies and Alan’s father tells Alan that he is proud of him for standing up to them as he did. However, Alan’s face soon falls when his father proclaims they are sending him to a boarding school for boys. Alan grows indignant at being forced into doing something he doesn’t want to do and he and his father part ways for the night in anger. Once Alan’s parents leave, he attempts to pack a suitcase and run away from home.