An aimless ne’er-do-well becomes a tour guide in a historic estate and winds up befriending the manor’s resident ghost.story time: so yesterday i went to starbucks in the morning and the barista says to the man who ordered behind me “you look just like the actor from dodgeball,” to which the man responds “aha justin long?” and by then all the baristas caught on that the man was indeed, justin long himself. everyone in the store starts murmuring and whispering. i wasn’t wearing my glasses so i couldn’t see, and i only knew justin from appearing occasionally in new girl so i didn’t say anything to him but did watch from afar. when i got back in the car i told my mom that justin long was in line behind me and she noted that he must be in town for gasperilla film fest and that his directorial debut film was gonna be shown at a local theatre that night. so we made it a point to get tickets and see the film. the film itself wasn’t personally my cup of tea but the heart and passion was there, and it was super cool to have the crew come out for the panel afterwards.Lady of the Manor 2021 Full Movie Download
i was tempted to ask what he ordered at starbucks during the panel but did not.I watched the film last night at the gasparilla international film festival at the Tampa theater. Shot locally in Tampa, st. Petersburg, and pinellas, Florida doubling as savannah, Georgia. This film marked the directorial debut of Justin Long who also co-wrote and stars in the film as well. Melanie Lynsey plays Hannah, a foul-mouthed, drug addict who lost her boyfriend and then one day is selected to work as a tour guide for a historic manor that had been standing for over 100 years. Only to be haunted by the original owner of the manor played by Judy Greer. The story is decent and the acting is phenomenal. If you are into supernatural haunting a with a fun and comedic spin, then this is the movie for you.