Let Us In’s lead, Emily, is a 12-year-old girl who lives in a small town where kids have been disappearing without a trace. She’s an outcast after a mysterious incident where her best friend Rachel died. Now she gets bullied by the popular girls and spends her free time building an extraterrestrial communicator with her friend Christopher (O’Neill Monahan). One night, while home alone, she’s visited by strange people with completely black eyes, who ask her to let them in.Let Us In 2021.
The legend of the Black-Eyed Children says that on Halloween or other spooky nights, kids between the ages of 8 and 16 will come up to someone’s house or car, knock on the door, and insist on being let inside. These kids will seem completely normal, except for their completely black eyes and the overwhelming sense of dread that comes over anyone who encounters them. A piece of advice if the Black-Eyed Children come to your door: Don’t let them in.
Films like E.T., Explorers, and The Goonies helped make the 1980s into a golden age of tween sci-fi and adventure. While Netflix’s Stranger Things and Project Power reach back to that era of science fiction, the last few decades haven’t seen many ’80s-style tales of precocious, science-loving kids going on adventures or communicating with aliens. Let Us In, directed and co-written by Craig Moss (The Charnel House, Bad Ass), tries to re-introduce the subgenre to a new generation of kids while adding a pure horror spin, through its intrepid heroine Emily (The Unicorn’s Makenzie Moss) and some monsters based on the urban legend of The Black-Eyed Children. Though Moss’ performance is impressive, it isn’t enough to make this awkward film the next cult classic.