In London, long-time friends and small-time criminals Eddie, Tom, Soap, and Bacon put together £100,000 so that Eddie, a genius card sharp, can buy into one of “Hatchet” Harry Lonsdale’s high-stakes three-card brag games. The game is rigged and the friends end up owing Harry £500,000. Harry then sends his debt collector Big Chris, who is often accompanied by his son, Little Chris, to ensure that the debt is paid within a week.Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1998 Movie Download. Harry is also interested in a pair of expensive antique shotguns that are up for auction and gets his enforcer Barry “the Baptist” to hire a pair of thieves, Gary and Dean, to steal them from a bankrupt lord. The two turn out to be highly incompetent and unwittingly sell the shotguns to Nick “the Greek”, a local fence. Barry threatens the two into getting the guns back. Eddie returns home one day and overhears his neighbours—a gang of robbers led by a brutal man called “Dog”—planning a heist on some cannabis growers loaded with cash and drugs. Eddie relays this information to the group, intending for them to rob the neighbours as they come back from their heist. In preparation for the robbery, Tom visits Nick the Greek to buy weapons and ends up buying the two antique shotguns. The neighbours’ heist gets underway and despite a gang member being killed by his own Bren gun and an incriminating encounter with a traffic warden, the job is a success; they return home with a duffel bag filled with money and a van loaded with bags of cannabis. Eddie and his friends ambush them as planned and drive away in the neighbours’ van containing the marijuana and the traffic warden. They transfer the loot to their own van and return home. They then have Nick fence the drugs to Rory Breaker, a gangster with a reputation for violence. Rory agrees to buy the cannabis at half price but two of Rory’s men visit the house of the cannabis-growers, discover they’ve been robbed and the cannabis he just bought had been stolen from his own growers. Rory threatens Nick into giving him Eddie’s address and brings along one of the growers, Winston, to identify the robbers.