During a cultural event in Gujarat, a Chinese delegate, General Zeng, consumes a product called Tiger Soup and dies. The investigation into his death point towards the Tiger Soup as a possible cause of death and its manufacturer, Raghuvir “Raghu” Mehta who surrenders himself to the authorities. Made In China 2019
Over a flashback, it is shown that Raghu has been a failed Gujarati entrepreneur who lives with his wife Rukmini and his son Chintu. He struggles to come up with a profitable business idea and have cycled through several products which have failed to take off. His uncle forces him to go on a trip to China with his cousin Devraj where he is to meet investors about a sports drink business. In China, Devraj presents his product to Tanmay, a successful Gujrati entrepreneur, who rejects it. Despondent Devraj abandons Raghu to his own devices. He strikes up a bond with Tanmay who explains that customer’s needs are akin to a lock and Raghu must find the key to that lock in order to be a successful businessman. Raghu goes on a drunken binge with Devraj’s contact Xui Lee and in stupor, commits to meet her boss Hao Li while posing as Devraj.
During the meeting, Hao introduces Raghu to Tiger Penis Soup which is the Chinese equivalent of Viagra. Hao proposes that Raghu shall sell this product in India and suggests that it will be successful over there because Chinese and Indians are constantly thinking about sex. While researching the market in India, Raghu realizes that there is no genuine solution available for sexual problems faced by men. Raghu proposes a business partnership to Dr. Tribhuvan Vardhi, a sexologist whose book have impressed Raghu, but Vardhi initially rejects the offer. Meanwhile, Raghu’s inability to provide a steady income for his family creates tension between him and Rukmini. Raghu proceeds to recruit Vardhi with the promise of spreading sex awareness to the public and eventually Vardhi agrees. Back in the present, General Zeng’s autopsy is held up in diplomatic red tape, forcing the investigators into trying to get to the truth through Raghu.