Frankie (Maya Hawke, Stranger Things star and daughter of Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke) exists in Hollywood, and I’d normally say “lives” but she doesn’t really seem to be “living” much. She tends bar at a cheesy nightclub called Magic Alley where she’s nitpicked by her condescending manager and occasionally forced to wear a baby costume for an awful, awful stage skit. Her mom leaves a voicemail saying since she isn’t taking classes and is just “making weird videos” and posting them on the internet, she should just move home. (Thanks for the exposition, Frankie’s mom!) Frankie doesn’t call her back. Can’t say I blame her.Mainstream 2021 Movie Download.
One fateful day, Frankie uses her smartphone to film a man in a mouse costume handing out cheese samples. He is *checks IMDb* Link? His name is Link? Are you sure? I don’t remember his name being “Link.” (I don’t remember hearing his name at all, to be honest.) Anyway. He’s Link (Andrew Garfield), and he wonders why she’s filming him. She says she’s not filming him, she’s filming how there’s a terrific painting on the wall above him and passersby just pass right on by it. So he drops his plushie mouse head and starts very loudly pointing out the painting to people and generally being an annoying street lunatic, and he draws a crowd and her video gets like, so many likes and views, plink plink plonk blonk go the little animated hearts on screen. As they say, this could be the beginning of a bee-yoo-tiful friendship.
So who is this “Link” guy? Well, he’s a bleach-blond beach-bum type with a farmer’s tan who looks like he rarely showers and sleeps on a cruddy lounge chair by a motel pool every night.