In the 1960s Dashrath Manjhi (Nawazuddin Siddiqui) lived in a small village Gehlaur near Gaya, Bihar, India with him family including his wife Phaguniya Devi (Radhika Apte). There was a rocky mountain near his village that people either had to climb across or travel round to gain access to medical care at the nearest town Wazirganj. One day Manjhi’s wife fell while trying to cross the mountain, after which Manjhi decided to carve a road through it. When he started hammering the hill people called him a lunatic but that only steeled his resolve further. After 22 years of back-breaking labour, Manjhi carved a path 360 feet long, 25 feet deep in places and 30 feet wide.Manjhi: The Mountain Man 2015 Movie Download.
Manjhi died on 17 August 2007 at the age of 73, while suffering from gall bladder cancer in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. He was given a state funeral by the Government of Bihar. The film’s postscript states that 52 years after he started breaking the mountain, 30 years after he finished and 4 years after his death the government finally made a metalled road to Gehlaur in 2011.Spoiler alert ahead–only read this if you have seen the file.Manjhi’s wife Phagunia who meets with an accident on the Gehlaur mountains is heavily pregnant at that point. Manjhi rushes her to the hospital where she delivers a baby girl and dies.Manjhi whose work is recognised by the Government of India after a chance meeting with Indira Gandhi gets a grant of Rs.25 lakhs for breaking the mountain. However one of the zamindar’s corrupt henchmen and corrupt Government officials navigate the funds to their account and till the end, Manjhi doesn’t get the money.