The Iorph people live far removed from the world of men, spending their days weaving Hibiol, a special cloth which serves as a written chronicle of the passing of time. They age much more slowly than men, and have the capacity to live for hundreds of years. They are legendary to outsiders, who have dubbed them “the Clan of the Separated”.Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms 2018 Movie Download.
Maquia, a young, orphaned Iorph girl, serves as an assistant to the clan’s chief, Racine, who warns her about creating emotional attachments to outsiders, positing that she will know what true loneliness is if she does. Soon afterward, the neighboring kingdom of Mezarte sends armed soldiers on the backs of flying dragons called Renato to the Iorph village. Unable to find the secret to their longevity, the army attacks, killing most of the Iorph and taking a friend of Maquia’s, Leilia, as a prisoner. One of the Renato succumbs to the “Red Eye” disease and goes berserk during the attack; tangled in Hibiol, it flees the village, dragging Maquia, who is also tangled in the fabric along with it, eventually crashing and dying in a forest. After awakening, Maquia happens upon an ambushed caravan and a drunk half-Iorph merchant, where she finds a newborn baby boy, held tightly in the arms of his deceased mother. Refusing to let it die, she pulls him from the dead woman’s arms and decides to take him in as her son. She travels to the village of Helm, where a woman, Mido, takes them in, raising them alongside her two sons, Lang and Deol. Maquia names her adopted son Ariel.
Time passes and Ariel has grown into a child. The Kingdom of Mezarte had once built their strength and reputation on their ownership of the ancient Renato, but the Renato have started to succumb to the “Red Eye” disease, leaving them with less than ten as they begin to die out. Fearing the inevitable loss of power and influence, the king of Mezarte tries to claim ownership of another ancient and legendary power, the Iorph’s longevity, leading to his attempt to introduce Iorph into the royal bloodline.