Institute of Ten-fold Mastery(Dash Mahabidyalay). It is an unbelievable college at Taskar Nagar. The syllabus includes Bank rubbery honours, pick pocket honours, snatching honours, filching honours, fake currency printing honours etc. The toppers of the present batch are Kartik (Shaswata Chattopadhya) and Ganesh (Biswanath Bose ) under the auspices of Principal, Dharmadas Maharaj (Kharaj Mukherjee). Dharmadas’s devotion to make successful thieves from this institute is unquestionable. Monchuri 2015 full Movie
The duo Kartik and Ganesh have enrolled themselves to learn the greatest degree of all thefts..”heart-stealth”. Thus they landed at the institute and became colleagues with Safai Lal, who is extremely aspirant and focussed to become future minister and thus joined to learn some tricks of the trade. Kartik and Ganesh join an institute to become successful thieves. They befriend Safai Lal who dreams of becoming a minister by learning how to steal.
Institute of Ten-fold Mastery(Dash Mahabidyalay). It is an unbelievable college at Taskar Nagar. The syllabus includes Bank rubbery honours, pick pocket honours, snatching honours, filching honours, fake currency printing honours etc. The toppers of the present batch are Kartik (Shaswata Chattopadhya) and Ganesh (Biswanath Bose ) under the auspices of Principal, Dharmadas Maharaj (Kharaj Mukherjee). Dharmadas’s devotion to make successful thieves from this institute is unquestionable.
The duo Kartik and Ganesh have enrolled themselves to learn the greatest degree of all thefts..”heart-stealth”. Thus they landed at the institute and became colleagues with Safai Lal, who is extremely aspirant and focussed to become future minister and thus joined to learn some tricks of the trade. Kartik and Ganesh join an institute to become successful thieves. They befriend Safai Lal who dreams of becoming a minister by learning how to steal.