This latest installment of Mystery 101 cements Travis as part of the Winslow family. Even when Graham was frantically begging to join the investigation, Travis spoke to him lovingly as if Graham were his own father. This was nice to see especially after Killer Timing gave us a discussion between Graham and Travis about marriage. The former even brought up weddings again in front of Amy to which Travis just started staring off into the sky with a goofy smile.I’m so glad and devastated to hear Travis’s backstory. Between this and learning more about his previous marriage, his initial will-they/won’t-they dance with Amy makes a lot more sense now. It also speaks to Amy’s character development because it’s believable to viewers that she could effortlessly break him out of his shell.Mystery 101: Deadly History 2021 Full Movie Download
There are many twists and turns to this mystery. With many potential suspects and motives, it’s tough to make any definitive conclusions. I, myself, was floating about three scenarios and was married to none of them. And then right at the end, with one line, Peter Benson as Alistair makes viewers laugh in the middle of a crime explanation scene. I just about did a spit-take when Al admitted that he misunderstood the threatening note thinking that it was for his affair and not a murder.There is no way Graham could have gotten $300,000 from the bank just like that. It doesn’t matter how well-known of an author he is, he would have raised red flags with the bank.They sent Amy out on the water…alone…in the middle of the night. I don’t care how badass she is, she has zero official training that would protect or save her life! Talk about being careless and banking on luck. This is very out-of-character for Travis.
In the same vein, what is with Amy in this movie? She walked into Lucy’s apartment, where there could still have been an intruder. She isn’t armed and would simply be a liability to Travis. I don’t think he even realizes she’s there until they’re being shot at.