Nanna Prakara is a 2019 Indian Kannada language mystery thriller film written and directed by Vinay Balaji, making his debut. It is produced by Gururaj S under his banner G.V.K Combines and is co-produced by Kiran Talasila, Jagdeesh, Venkatesh, Govind. S and Krishnamurthy. The film starring Kishore, Priyamani and Mayuri Kyatari in the lead roles while Arjun Yogi, Niranjan Deshpande, Pramod Shetty and Girija Lokesh are in the ensemble supporting cast. The music for the film is scored by Arjun Ramu. The cinematography is by Manohar Joshi and editing is done by Satish Chandraiya.Film actor Kishore, has said “With Nanna Prakara, working with a first-time director ensures that there is a different insight into filmmaking and a young energy on set, which rubs off on everyone” while talking about the Principal photography.Nanna Prakara 2019.
The film will mark the directorial debut of Vinay Balaji.[3] Priyamani, who plays a doctor on the film said she put a lot of effort “to play the role convincingly.The Times of India wrote, “For starters, he has two powerhouse performers — Kishore and Priya Mani — in the lead and he is confident about the strength of the content, which had his protagonists intrigued enough to work with him. “At the centre of the narrative is a murder mystery that Kishore, as Inspector Ashok, is investigating.
The body of a young woman is found in a charred car near the outskirts of the city. Just when the investigating officer seems to have narrowed down on the culprit and motive behind the murder, comes a whole new revelation. So, who exactly is the young woman who died?
Nanna Prakara is another crime thriller that hits the screens in Kannada. Lately, the audience seems to have warmed up to this genre. This film, directed by newbie Vinay Balaji, is a reasonably good attempt, with a novel style of narration too. Only, one wonders if the writers ended up overly simplifying the mystery to the audience by the time the narrative reaches the climax.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | HD 1080p(Direct) | Dual Audio(Hin-Tamil) | 2.54GB | 237 | 4 years |
Download | HD 720p(Direct) | Dual Audio(Hin-Tamil) | 1.17GB | 250 | 4 years |
Download | SD 480p(Direct) | Dual Audio(Hin-Tamil) | 416MB | 254 | 4 years |
Download | HD 1080p | Dual Audio(Hin-Tamil) | 2.54GB | 247 | 4 years |
Download | HD 1080p(DB) | Dual Audio(Hin-Tamil) | 2.54GB | 244 | 4 years |
Download | HD 720p | Dual Audio(Hin-Tamil) | 1.17GB | 259 | 4 years |
Download | HD 720p(DB) | Dual Audio(Hin-Tamil) | 1.17GB | 245 | 4 years |
Download | SD 480p | Dual Audio(Hin-Tamil) | 416MB | 274 | 4 years |
Download | SD 480p(DB) | Dual Audio(Hin-Tamil) | 416MB | 249 | 4 years |