In Billings, Montana, a police officer discovers Woody Grant walking dangerously on the shoulder of the roadway and takes him to the local police station. Woody is picked up by his son David, who learns that Woody wants to go to Lincoln, Nebraska, to collect a million dollar sweepstakes prize he believes he has won. When David sees the sweepstakes letter, he knows immediately that it is a mail scam designed to get gullible people to purchase magazine subscriptions. David brings his father home, where his mother Kate becomes increasingly annoyed by Woody’s insistence on collecting the money.Nebraska 2013 Movie Download.
After Woody is picked up again trying to get to Nebraska, David and his brother Ross discuss putting Woody in a retirement home. Ross is especially frustrated because their Dad didn’t put any effort into parenting them and used to drink a lot. He doesn’t feel they ‘owe’ their father anything.
David is visited by his ex-girlfriend, Noelle, who returns his belongings and refuses to move back in with him. Their conversation is cut short by a call from Kate reporting that Woody has taken off once again. David retrieves Woody and decides to drive him all the way to Lincoln, much to Kate’s dismay and anger.While in Rapid City, South Dakota, Woody goes on a bender and hits his head while stumbling back to their motel room. David takes him to the hospital to get his head stitched up. The doctor wants to observe Woody for a day and when he hears about Woody’s ‘win’ he says that’ll cover the hospital fees. David learns that they will be passing through Woody’s hometown of Hawthorne, Nebraska, and suggests they spend the night with Woody’s family. Woody is against the idea, but they end up going anyway.