Priyuraalu starts off disgustingly romantic. Maybe I am a cynic, but having a romantic wishlist reminds me of The Kissing Booth (not the same, I know) and I hate that movie. A big chunk of the first half is dedicated to our two protagonists saying cheesy romantic stuff to each other. It also reminds me of people who make love and sex their whole personality.Priyuraalu 2021 Movie Download.
Anyway, Priyuraalu then moves to a few months ago and we see how the two met. Divya and Madhav hit it off right away but their idea of love is quite odd. At one point, Divya tells him that his smoking cigarette is real love… or something. And I am very confused. Also, smoking is a horrible thing to love, please don’t do this to yourself.Priyuraalu’s scene cuts are extremely odd and it feels like I am watching a YouTube video. The scenes don’t flow well, even the dialogues feel broken and disconnected. Additionally, Priyuraalu’s dubbing is horrible, and dialogue delivery, too, is absolutely abysmal. Everyone is very robot-like in their talking and interactions with people around them. The acting isn’t great either and the chemistry between the leads in a love (or lust?) story like this is absolutely horrendous.Priyuraalu 2021 Movie Download.
But, I would be ok with all of this. In fact, I would have ignored it had the story been salvageable. With all the talk about love and its meaning, the story goes the very tried and tested cheating route. Now, I won’t mention who’s cheating on whom, but honestly, it’s quite disgusting. When that happens, you are left feeling confused and appalled.And it’s more disgusting because the spouse is an absolute sweetheart.