Surinder Sahni is a shy and mild-mannered office employee working for Punjab Power who visits the marriage ceremony of Taani Gupta, the cheerful daughter of Professor Shirish Gupta who is his former teacher. He falls in love at first sight with her but is unable to express it. Unfortunately, her fianceè and all his family members are killed in a road accident which results in the devastated Professor Gupta developing a massive heart attack. He is taken to a hospital where, on his deathbed, the dying Professor Gupta asks Surinder to marry Taani upon fearing that she will be left alone in the world after his death. Surinder agrees to this as he loves Taani anyway. Taani also agrees to fulfill her father’s last wish.Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi 2008 Movie Download.
After Professor Gupta’s death and funeral, Surinder has an unplanned marriage with Taani and takes her to his ancestral house in Amritsar, Punjab. Over there, he begins to behave with her in a kind nature and show his respect to her – he even lets her have his bedroom all to herself and stays in the attic – but is too frightened to confess his love for her. A miserable Taani locks herself in Surinder’s room all the time as she was not willing to marry Surinder.
However, Surinder’s close friend Balwinder Khosla alias Bobby and other office colleagues invite themselves to his house for a party after learning about his marriage from the neighbours. Surinder feels awkward as he cannot make them meet a depressed Taani but is surprised when she shows up. Later that night, Taani eventually agrees to become a good wife and thus respect her role in Surinder’s life but feels that she can never love him or anyone else again.