Amid the political protests of the Saffron Revolution in Burma, ruthless SPDC officer Major Pa Tee Tint leads Burmese junta army forces to pillage small villages in a campaign of fear. His soldiers sadistically slaughter innocents, abduct teenage boys to be drafted into his army and hold women hostage to be raped as sex slaves. Meanwhile, 20 years after the events in Afghanistan, Vietnam War veteran John Rambo is still living in Thailand, making a meager living as a snake catcher and by providing boat rides. A missionary doctor from Colorado named Michael Burnett hires Rambo to use his boat to ferry their group up the Salween River into Burma on a humanitarian mission to provide medical aid to a village inhabited by the Karen people. Rambo initially refuses, then agrees when requested by Michael’s fiancée Sarah Miller.Rambo 2008 full Movie.
During the trip, the boat is stopped by pirates demanding Sarah in exchange for passage, forcing Rambo to kill them. Greatly disturbed by Rambo’s actions, Michael sends him back upon arriving at their destination, claiming his group no longer wants his help. In the village, the missionaries provide aid to those attacked by Tint’s soldiers. But the army strikes, the villagers are massacred and the missionaries are abducted.
The pastor of the missionaries’ church comes to Thailand and asks Rambo to guide a team of five mercenaries on a rescue mission. Rambo takes the mercenary team to the drop-off point and offers to help, but Lewis, a former SAS soldier and the team’s leader, refuses. Myint, a Karen rebel familiar with the area, leads the mercenaries to the village of the massacre. As they survey the damage, a squad of Tint’s soldiers arrive in a cargo truck with a group of villagers, intent on playing games and killing them.