While multi-millionaire Tom Mullen and his wife Kate attend a science fair, their son Sean is kidnapped. Sean is taken to an apartment by Maris Conner, a caterer working for the Mullens, along with brothers Clark and Cubby Barnes, as well as tech expert Miles Roberts. NYPD Detective Jimmy Shaker is Maris’ boyfriend and the mastermind behind the kidnapping. The kidnappers send Tom and Kate an e-mail demanding $2 million. Tom calls the FBI, who begin operating from his New York City penthouse under Special Agent Lonnie Hawkins. In private, Tom voices his belief that a union machinist, Jackie Brown, who is in prison following one of Mullen’s business scandals, may be behind it. They visit Brown in prison, but he angrily denies any involvement.Ransom 1996 Movie Download.
Tom agrees to the FBI’s plan for delivering the ransom. Receiving a phone call from Shaker, who electronically disguises his voice, Tom follows his instructions. He meets Cubby in a New Jersey quarry but refuses to hand over the money when Cubby fails to give him Shaker’s promised directions. A fight ensues and the FBI intervene and shoot Cubby. He dies before revealing Sean’s location. Shaker later arranges another drop off. While Tom initially agrees to take the money alone, he realizes there is no guarantee Sean will be returned alive; he instead appears on television and offers the ransom as a bounty on the kidnappers, promising to withdraw the bounty and drop all charges if the kidnappers return Sean alive and unharmed.
Despite Kate and Agent Hawkins’ pleadings, Tom sticks to his plan, believing it is the best chance for Sean’s return. Shaker lures Kate to a meeting where he presents Sean’s blood stained t-shirt as a warning to pay the ransom or Sean will die. Tom responds by doubling the bounty to $4 million. Shaker calls Tom and gives him one final warning to pay the ransom, but Tom still refuses, and Shaker fires a gunshot after Tom hears Sean scream for help, leading Tom and Kate to believe Sean is dead.