The beauty of Director Anselm Chan latest romantic comedy “Ready Or Knot” lies in its storytelling and relatable happenings that goes beyond the expected genre cliches. There is almost an innate expectation of how these kind of movies usually turns out, but Chan makes great use of its likeable leads in Carlos Chan and Michelle Wai to stretch the audience emotions and engagement in order to bring a tear or two by the end of the film. The use of split screen to show how different gender reacts to a break up is also welcomed.Ready O/R Knot 2021 Full Movie Download
Carlos Chan continues his run of romantic comedy leading roles and is right at home as the typical not ready for marriage type of boyfriend. Sharing a brilliant chemistry with the always wonderful Michelle Wai, the duo goes thru various usual life scenarios in their long term live-in relationships. Wai in particular gives a well rounded display. The supporting cast of Chu Pak Hong and Kaki Sham provides that excellent friendship for Chan as well as some of the film’s funnier moments. Similarly Wai is well supported by her best friends in Hedwig Tam and Renci Yeung. Perhaps the heart warming moment comes in the form of Susan Shaw in a small role as the all-knowing grandmother.All in all, “Ready Or Knot” doesn’t try to bring the usual formulas, but rather uses a relatable and modern story to connect with the audience own’s emotional experience. Director Chan explores the expectations of different gender in modern relationships and rounds up with a beautiful little love story that relates in a bittersweet manner that works. The ending may seem padded up, but in the grand scheme of things, sometimes it’s probably better not walk alone. This is easily a heart warming crowd pleaser film. (Neo, 2021)