On Christmas Eve 1989, aspiring filmmaker Mark Cohen, and his roommate, Roger Davis, learn that the rent previously waived by their old friend and landlord, Benjamin “Benny” Coffin III, is due (“Rent”). Their former roommate Tom Collins shows up and gets mugged. Mark and Roger meet with Benny, who tells them he plans to evict the homeless from the nearby lot and build a cyber studio (“You’ll See”). He offers them free rent if they get Maureen, Mark’s ex-girlfriend, to cancel her protest against his plans, but they refuse.Rent 2005 Movie Download.
A street drummer, Angel, finds Collins and they bond since they are both HIV positive. Roger, who is HIV-positive and a former drug addict, tries to compose his one last great song (“One Song Glory”). He’s visited by his downstairs neighbor, Mimi, an exotic dancer and heroin addict (“Light My Candle”).
On Christmas Day, Mark and Roger are visited by Collins and Angel, now in full drag, bearing gifts (“Today 4 U”). They invite Mark and Roger to attend Life Support, an AIDS support group. Roger turns them down, while Mark goes to fix Maureen’s sound equipment. He runs into Joanne, Maureen’s new girlfriend, who bonds with him as they discuss Maureen’s promiscuity (“Tango: Maureen”). Mark arrives at the Life Support meeting (“Life Support”). He films the meeting for the documentary that he’s making about people living with HIV/AIDS.
Mimi visits Roger (“Out Tonight”). Roger, whose ex-girlfriend died by suicide after discovering she (and Roger) were HIV positive, rebukes her advances and throws her out (“Another Day”). The next day, he joins Mark, Collins and Angel at a Life Support meeting (“Will I?”). Leaving the meeting, the group imagines what it would be like to move to Santa Fe, New Mexico (“Santa Fe”). Roger and Mark leave to help Maureen set up for her performance, and Angel and Collins reveal they are falling in love (“I’ll Cover You”).