Leon S. Kennedy enters the Eastern Slav Republic to verify rumors that Bio-Organic Weapons (BOWs) are being used in the country’s civil war. After his arrival, Ingrid Hunnigan informs him the government has ordered an immediate retreat of all U.S. forces. Determined to stop the BOWs, Leon ignores the order. He comes across his contact, who has been attacked and is then killed by a Licker after Leon is knocked out by an explosion; a shadowy figure orders the Licker not to kill Leon. Leon awakens, tied to a chair by rebel fighters J.D., the former teacher Alexander Kozachenko (Buddy), and the elderly Ivan Judanovich, the group’s Ataman. Rise of the Guardians 2012 Movie Download
Meanwhile, President Svetlana Belikova meets Ada Wong, who is posing as a BSAA agent. Ada explains a human infected with the virus’s dominant strain will have a brief master-slave relationship with lesser BOWs. Elsewhere, soldiers burst into the rebel hideout; Leon tries to warn them of Ivan’s infection, but Buddy starts a shoot-out. Ivan tells Buddy to kill him and Buddy reluctantly complies. Leon escapes and meets JD, only for Plaga hosts to attack them. JD leads Leon to a church, where they regroup with other rebels. JD helps Leon escape, urging him to stop Buddy, as he is obsessed with his hatred of the government, which bombed his school, killing his fiancée and his students. Rise of the Guardians 2012 Movie Download
Leon runs into Ada, who admits she is in the country to collect a sample of Plaga and hinting at a past romantic involvement with Leon. Ada then leaves, warning the city will soon be bombed. Leon returns to the church to find Ganados have attacked it, killing the other rebels and infecting JD. After Buddy arrives, he and JD share some last words and Leon kills JD. Leon then asks Buddy to give up the Plaga, who refuses and escapes when military jets bomb the church.