Josh Parker and Tiffany Henderson were childhood friends, high school sweethearts, and try for a long-distance relationship as he goes to the University of Ithaca and she to the University of Austin. However, he gets nervous when he can’t reach her, fearing infidelity. Even so, he regularly mails her video taped letters.Josh asks his friend, Rubin, to mail his tape to Tiffany before leaving for class. Josh’s Ancient Philosophy professor tells him he needs a B+ on his mid-term to pass the semester. Although still worrying about Tiffany, Josh’s best friend E.L. convinces him to notice Beth Wagner is interested. Jacob, the Philosophy T.A. who is obsessed with Beth, is hostile towards Josh. At E.L.’s party, he auctions off several women, including Beth. Scared of Jacob, she convinces Josh to outbid him. Then they escape to his room to have sex on his camcorder.Road Trip 2000 Movie Download.
The next morning, Josh arrives to his room in a very good mood, confessing that he slept with Beth. When his friends play his tape they believe Rubin mailed the sex tape to Tiffany by accident, confusing it with the other. Josh then hears a voicemail from Tiffany saying that she hasn’t called as her grandfather has died and she will be away from school until Monday.With E.L. and Rubin, Josh asks Kyle to tag along on a road trip, as he needs his car. Kyle is a shy loner who lives in constant fear of his overly strict father, Earl Edwards, the car’s owner. They head out to drive the 1,800 miles to Austin and back in three days, leaving their friend Barry to take care of Mitch, their snake.
After leaving the interstate in Bedford for what they thought was a “shortcut”, they find a small bridge collapsed, realizing they will waste five hours backtracking. E.L. and Rubin convince them to jump the gap. Kyle objects but they proceed. They make it across, but the car is wrecked.