In a flashback, Hiko Seijūrō finds young Shinta digging graves for bandits and slavers killed in battle. Shinta explains that all people are only bodies after death. Hiko decides to take Shinta as his student and names him “Kenshin”. Himura Kenshin wakes up at Master Hiko’s home, and asks if his friend (Kaoru) was also washed up. He has been unconscious for three days, and Master Hiko tells him that his friend is most likely dead. Kenshin asks to learn the final Hiten Mitsurugi technique, “Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki”, in order to defeat Shishio Makoto and prevent his onslaught.[8] Hiko agrees, and the two engage in a duel to start his training.Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends 2014 Movie Download.
Shishio appears off the Tokyo coast in a large black iron-clad battleship, and demands that the home minister, Ito Hirobumi, visit him to discuss the situation. After inviting the ministers to join him for food, one of them loses his temper, and is killed by one of Shishio’s men. The prime minister tries to restore order and decorum, but Shishio takes them prisoner when they try to leave – killing all the government men apart from the prime minister. Shishio demands that Battousai be brought to him, otherwise he will bring down the government by making public all the killings and murders that were undertaken by the current government. Saito Hajime also know as Fujita is still searching for Battousai, and is disgusted with the way the government is handling the matter by giving in to blackmail from Shishio.
Yahiko Myojin finds a poster demanding “Battousai” Kenshin be arrested, which he and Sagara realise suggests that Kenshin must still be alive, and they leave for Tokyo and the Kamiya Dojo with Misao to find him and search for Kaoru Kamiya. A young woman approaches them with a scarf as they are leaving, which Misao recognises as the one she bandaged Kaoru with and they rush off. They appear outside a hospital and enter to find Kaoru unconscious and alive.Rurouni Kenshin Part III: The Legend Ends.