Subhash Nagre, who is known by his followers as Sarkar, lives in Mumbai. The opening scenes show a rape victim’s father approaching Sarkar for justice (which the corrupt law and order system has failed to deliver), which Sarkar promptly establishes by having the rapist beaten up by his henchmen. His son Vishnu plays a sleazy producer who is more interested in the film actress Sapna than his wife Amrita. Sarkar’s other, more upright son Shankar returns from the United States with his love Pooja after completing his education there. Pooja’s doubts about Sarkar’s image cause Shankar, who firmly believes in his father’s righteousness, to break up with her.Sarkar 2005 full Movie Download.
One day, a Dubai-based don, Rasheed, tries to strike a deal with Sarkar; he promptly refuses on moral grounds and also forbids him from doing it himself. Rasheed tries to eliminate Sarkar’s supremacy with the help of Selvar Mani, Sarkar’s former associate, MLA Vishram Bhagat, and Swami Virendra. Meanwhile, they trap Sarkar by assassinating a righteous, upright, Ahinsa political leader and an outspoken critic of Sarkar, Motilal Khurana, and frame Sarkar for the murder. Everyone, including Vishnu, believes that Sarkar is guilty, but Shankar has deep faith in his father. Sarkar gets arrested and is imprisoned. Shankar now takes over the position of Sarkar temporarily.
On learning of a plot to murder his father in prison, he approaches the police commissioner and asks him to arrange stronger security for his father, only for the commissioner to mock Shankar and his father beside not providing protection. Shankar gets a feeling that the police commissioner wants Sarkar to get murdered. Shankar and Khansaab, one of Sarkar’s men, try to ask Mani for help to prevent possible murder, but Mani ultimately betrays them when he reveals that he is in an alliance with Rasheed. Rasheed prepares to kill Shankar and Khansaab, but only Khansaab is killed when he decides to sacrifice himself for Shankar. By the time Shankar reaches the prison and appropriate action is taken, the attempt on Sarkar’s life is already made. Sarkar is later acquitted. He remains bedridden as Shankar takes on Sarkar’s enemies.
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