Passionate about ocean life, a filmmaker sets out to document the harm that humans do to marine species — and uncovers an alarming global conspiracy.Some good insights and a whole lot of sensationalist b/s which is a shame,
because overfishing is a real problem. Bottom trawling for example(which is only part of all the trawling) does not “gouge” the sea bottom.If it did all the rocks would end up inside the nets and destroy them.They goovertherocks.Also they’re not involved in slavery and criminal activity.Seaspiracy 2021 full Netflix Documentary Download.It may happen in some countries but there it’s because of the country and they have slavery in all sectors, mining, manufacturing, etc, not just fishing.Also fishing boats work in certain areas with specific licenses. To transport drugs,slaves, etc, you need a boat that travels from place to place. Also fish farming has its problems but is much better than alternatives (not eating fish at all is not a sensible alternative). It’s more regulated because it can be inspected and the feed is commercially manufactured. No farmer wants their stock to catch disease. He’d be destroyed. In general, a lot of sensationalism so they can sell the documentary. Too bad.Seaspiracy 2021 full Netflix Documentary Download.
Passionate about ocean life, a filmmaker sets out to document the harm that humans do to marine species — and uncovers an alarming global conspiracy.Some good insights and a whole lot of sensationalist b/s which is a shame,
because overfishing is a real problem. Bottom trawling for example(which is only part of all the trawling) does not “gouge” the sea bottom.If it did all the rocks would end up inside the nets and destroy them.They goovertherocks.Also they’re not involved in slavery and criminal activity.