Casey Cooke is a withdrawn teenager. After being invited to a birthday party at the King of Prussia Mall, she accepts a ride home from her classmate Claire’s father, who also takes Claire’s friend Marcia. As the girls wait in the car, a man suffering from dissociative identity disorder (DID) knocks Claire’s father unconscious before kidnapping them.Split full Movie Download.
The man is in therapy with Dr. Karen Fletcher, who has identified 23 distinct personalities formed due to childhood abuse and abandonment. The dominant personality, “Barry”, controls when and which of the others can manifest. “Barry” has not allowed “Dennis” or “Patricia” to have control due to their undesirable traits and their belief in “The Beast”, a 24th personality who plans to rid the world of the “impure”, those who have not suffered. Fletcher recognizes in their sessions that “Dennis” has recently displaced “Barry” as the dominant personality.
“Dennis” imprisons the girls in an underground cell. By taking advantage of a childlike personality called “Hedwig”, the girls attempt to escape and Casey manages to find a walkie-talkie but her attempts to obtain help are dismissed as a prank. The girls are separated from each other by “Dennis” and “Patricia”. Fletcher visits The Man’s quarters, where he reveals that he has met “The Beast”. Fletcher realizes that there is an internal conflict between the personalities and becomes suspicious. She feigns going to the bathroom and finds Claire who is locked in a storage room. “Dennis” appears and sedates Fletcher. “Dennis” goes to a train station, where he boards an empty train car, which allows “The Beast”, who has enhanced physical abilities, to take over. Fletcher writes a letter with the man’s full name “Kevin Wendell Crumb”, on a piece of paper before “The Beast” arrives and kills her by crushing her torso.