Gregorio and Ingrid Cortez are spies who have two children, Carmen and Juni, unaware of their parents’ career. The couple works for the Organization of Super Spies (OSS) doing desk work but are suddenly called back to active field work to find missing agents. Gregorio suspects children’s television host Fegan Floop has kidnapped the agents and mutated them into his “Fooglies” – creatures on his show. The children are left in the care of their uncle, Felix.Spy Kids 2001 Movie Download.
The couple is captured by Floop’s “Thumb-Thumbs”, robots whose arms, legs, and heads resemble oversized thumbs, and taken to Floop’s castle. Felix is alerted to the parents’ capture, activates the fail-safe, and tells the children the truth about their parents, and that he is not their uncle but an agent sent to watch over them. The house is assaulted by ninja Thumbs-Thumbs, and Felix is captured while the children escape alone on a submarine set to auto-pilot to a safe house. At the safe house, the children learn of their parents’ past as they decide to rescue them. Inside of his castle, Floop introduces his latest creation to Mr. Lisp, small robots in the shape of children. He wishes to replace the world leaders’ children with these super-strong robots to control the world. The androids are “dumb”, and cannot function outside of their inherent programming. Lisp is furious, demanding usable androids. Floop, along with his second-in-command Alexander Minion, interrogates Gregorio and Ingrid about ‘The Third Brain’. Ingrid knows nothing of the subject, while Gregorio claims that he destroyed the brain years ago. After Floop leaves, Gregorio reveals to Ingrid that the Third Brain was a secret OSS project he once worked on: an AI brain with all the skills of the entire OSS. The project was scrapped as being too dangerous, but Gregorio couldn’t bring himself to destroy the final prototype.Spy Kids 2001 Movie Download.
Back at the safe house, Carmen and Juni are visited by Ms. Gradenko, who claims she works for the OSS.Spy Kids 2001 Movie Download.