The opening scene is set in a desolate desert landscape. From afar a car is approaching on a dusty road. The scene brings to mind the first episode of Breaking Bad, or basically any film you can think of that was set in dry, southern American landscapes.Before long we realize that the scenery is the backdrop for a Mexican household. The father of the family is a pro wrestler who never takes off his Mexican wrestler’s mask. This particular morning he is preparing for the fight of his life.Symbol 2009 Movie Download.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, a Japanese man wakes up in a solitary room. Every surface in his cell is white, windowless and filled with countless tiny penises sticking out. Whenever the man touches a penis, an item is dropped into the room. Bizarre as this might sound, it is only the beginning.The connection between the Japanese man and the Mexican wrestler is for you to discover. Suffice to say that the former is the epicenter of the story. The events in the tiny penis-room soon take epic proportions. The happenings are both hilarious and thought provoking.Some incidents play with the concepts of time and space, which brings to mind certain sci-fi scenarios. The solitary man in a single room trying to make sense of his captivity makes for an atmosphere not unlike that of The Cube-series, and in particular Cube 2: Hypercube (2002).
The cutting between two narratives — interlaced with short anime-like sequences, aimed directly at the viewers — underlines Symbol’s playful approach to narrative build-up. At times, the 1960s Japanese new wave is brought to mind, or the new new wave that followed 20 years later. However, Matsumoto’s antics can never be mistaken for anything else than his own.The playful tone and free-flowing creativity does indeed parallel films like Tokyo Drifter (1966) and Tampopo (1985).