Emery gets involuntarily turned into a vampire one day just before his maker is murdered, and suddenly he’s got a quirky vampire mentor appearing in his bedroom, a group of hunters trying to kill him, and an appetite for blood, which his best friend, Connor, is willingly offering—all on top of his already hectic life of high school and theatre. But then Emery encounters an even bigger problem: he just might be starting to have feelings for his best friend.I received an ecopy of this book from the author. This has in no way influenced my review.*This book was sweet, funny, and just a great story about two friends figuring out who they are and falling in love. There was some action and fighting and a plot about vampire hunters who were after Emery, but it was pretty subdued as far as vampire books go since the focus was really on the characters’ lives and relationships.Teenage Vampire 2020 Full Movie Download
Emery was adorably oblivious. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he was the only one in the school who didn’t know about Connor’s feelings for him, he then kept misinterpreting everything that happened after he became a vampire. He could hear the way Connor’s heart sped up whenever he noticed Emery looking at him, so he worried Connor was afraid of him. He had the urge to sink his fangs deeper and pull Connor closer while feeding, so he worried he was just becoming dangerous and wanting to hurt Connor in his bloodlust. I was itching for Connor to just admit his feelings already and for Emery to realize his and for them to just end up together! But it was all in a good slow-burn kinda way.And this book didn’t just have an adorable romantic relationship, it had sweet friendships and family relationships too that made me smile.I also liked the trope-free portrayal of high school, as well as the way characters sometimes acted immature (as some teenagers do, like breaking up with someone in a note), but those things were never treated as being the normal or smart way to handle things, and other characters always called them out on it. Another great thing was that Emery and Connor were into theatre and robotics.