Monica Brown, a talk show host, interviews a severely disfigured woman who is the sole survivor of a massacre that took place the previous Halloween. Brown mentions that the body of the killer, known only as “Art the Clown”, disappeared from the morgue, suggesting that he is still alive. However, the disfigured woman insists that she saw him die. After the show, Monica insults the woman’s appearance, after which the woman attacks Monica and gouges her eyes out.Terrifier 2016 Movie Download.
On Halloween night, two friends, Tara and Dawn, leave a Halloween party and drunkenly wander back to Dawn’s car, where they notice a strange man in a clown costume. The man, Art the Clown, follows them into a nearby pizzeria. After a short time, the restaurant owner roughly escorts Art from the premises for smearing his own feces all over the bathroom walls. The girls discover that one of Dawn’s car tires has been slashed, and Tara calls her sister Vicky to come pick them up. While waiting, Tara asks a pest control worker, Mike, if she can enter the derelict apartment building he’s working in to use the restroom. Once inside, Tara encounters a deluded woman (credited as “Cat Lady”), who believes the doll she carries is her infant child. Art returns to the pizzeria, where he kills and mutilates the two workers before abducting Dawn.Terrifier 2016 Movie Download.
Tara soon encounters Art inside the apartment building. He pursues her through the indoor mechanic’s garage and stabs her with a scalpel. She tries to alert Mike but Art drugs her. Tara awakens bound to a chair, and Art reveals Dawn, suspended upside-down from the ceiling. He forces Tara to watch as he saws Dawn in half with a handsaw.