Ahmad ibn Fadlan is a court poet of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Muqtadir of Baghdad, until his amorous encounter with the wife of an influential noble gets him exiled as an “ambassador” to the Volga Bulgars. Traveling with his father’s old friend, Melchisidek, his caravan is saved from Tatar raiders by the appearance of Norsemen. Taking refuge at their settlement on the Volga river, communications are established through Melchisidek and Herger, a Norseman who speaks Latin. From Herger, the two learn that the celebration being held by the Northmen is in fact a funeral for their recently deceased king. Herger also introduces them to one of the king’s sons, Buliwyf. Ahmad and Melchisidek then witness a fight in which Buliwyf kills his brother in self defense, which establishes Buliwyf as heir apparent, followed by the Viking funeral of their dead king, cremated together with a young woman who agreed to accompany him to Valhalla.The 13th Warrior 1999 Movie Download.
The next day, a young prince named Wulfgar enters the camp requesting Buliwyf’s aid: His father’s kingdom in the far north is under attack from an ancient evil so frightening that even the bravest warriors dare not name it. The “angel of death”, a völva (wisewoman), determines the mission will be successful if thirteen warriors go to face this danger — but that the thirteenth must not be a Norseman. Ahmad is recruited against his will.
Ahmad is initially treated indifferently by the Norsemen, who mock his perceived physical weakness and his small Arabian horse; however, he earns a measure of respect by quickly learning their language through careful observation, a demonstration of horsemanship, and his ability to write. Buliwyf, already a polyglot, asks Ahmad to teach him how to write in Arabic, cementing their goodwill towards one another, and recognizing Ahmad’s analytic nature as an asset to their quest.