In October 1994, film students Heather, Mike, and Josh set out to produce a documentary about the fabled Blair Witch. They travel to Burkittsville, Maryland, and interview residents about the legend. Locals tell them of Rustin Parr, a hermit who lived in the woods and kidnapped seven children in the 1940s; he supposedly killed them all in his basement, murdering them in pairs while having one stand in a corner. The students explore the woods in north Burkittsville to research the legend. They meet two fishermen, one of whom warns them that the woods are haunted. He tells them of a young girl named Robin Weaver, who went missing in 1888; when she returned three days later, she talked about “an old woman whose feet never touched the ground.” The students hike to Coffin Rock, where five men were found ritualistically murdered in the 19th century; their bodies later disappeared.The Blair Witch Project 1999 Movie Download.
They camp for the night, and the next day, find an old cemetery with seven small cairns, one of which Josh accidentally knocks over. That night, they hear the sound of twigs snapping. The following day, they try to hike back to the car but cannot find it before dark and make camp. They again hear twigs snapping. In the morning, they find that three cairns have been built around their tent. Heather learns her map is missing.The Blair Witch Project 1999 Movie Download.
Mike reveals he kicked the map into a creek out of frustration, which provokes a fight between the three as they realize they are lost. They decide to head south, using Mike’s compass, and discover stick figures suspended from trees. They again hear strange sounds that night, including children laughing. After an unknown force shakes the tent, they hide in the woods until dawn.Upon returning to their tent, they find that their possessions have been rifled through, and Josh’s equipment is covered with slime. They come across a river identical to one they crossed earlier and realize they have walked in a circle.