Bruno is a young boy living in Berlin in Nazi Germany during World War II. His soldier father, Ralf, gets promoted and relocates the family to the “countryside” (occupied Poland). Living without neighbours, far from any town, and with no friends to play with, Bruno becomes lonely and bored. After spotting people working on what he thinks is a farm – actually a concentration camp – he is forbidden from playing in the back garden.The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 2008 Movie Download.
The tutor of Bruno and his sister Gretel, Mr Liszt, pushes an agenda of antisemitism and Nazi propaganda. This, together with Gretel’s infatuation with Lieutenant Kurt Kotler, makes her fanatical in her support for the Third Reich, to the point of covering her bedroom wall with posters and a portrait of Adolf Hitler. Bruno is confused as the only Jew known to the family, their servant-prisoner Pavel, does not resemble the antisemitic caricatures in Liszt’s teachings.
Bruno sneaks into the woods, arriving at a barbed wire fence surrounding the camp. He befriends a boy named Shmuel, and their ignorance of the camp’s true nature is revealed: Bruno thinks the striped uniforms that Shmuel, Pavel, and the other prisoners wear are pyjamas, and Shmuel believes his grandparents died from an illness on the journey to the camp. Bruno meets Shmuel regularly, sneaking him food and playing board games. He learns Shmuel is a Jew, brought to the camp with his parents.Bruno’s mother Elsa discovers the reality of Ralf’s assignment after Kotler lets slip that the black smoke coming from the camp’s chimneys is from burning bodies, and she confronts him. At dinner, Kotler admits his father had left his family for Switzerland because he disagreed with the current political regime. Ralf tells Kotler he should have informed the authorities of his father’s “treason”. Embarrassed, Kotler beats Pavel to death for spilling a glass of wine.