Sam Reide witnesses a woman being killed, then wakes up in an ice-filled bathtub, his vitals monitored by his sister Jenna. Sam can travel back to any moment during his lifetime, with his consciousness inhabiting his younger body. He helps the police under the guise of being a psychic. Sam pays Jenna’s rent and buys her groceries, as she rarely leaves the apartment and lives in squalor.The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations Movie Download.The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations Movie Download.
Elizabeth, the sister of Sam’s murdered girlfriend Rebecca, arrives at Sam’s apartment. She believes the man about to be executed for her sister’s murder, Lonnie Flennons, is innocent, and wants Sam to find the actual murderer. Sam meets with the man who tutored him on time travel, Goldburg, who reminds him of the cardinal rules: He is not to alter his past, nor travel in time with his body left unsupervised. When Sam was 15, a house fire killed Jenna, but Sam altered time, saving Jenna. Sam’s interference resulted in the fire killing their parents. After Goldburg leaves the bar, their bartender Vicki seduces him.
Sam agrees to help Elizabeth, and travels back to June 1998. He runs into a drunk Elizabeth and tells her to stay in her car, then finds Rebecca dead. Elizabeth is killed in her car. Sam returns to the present to learn he no longer owns a car or works for the police and is renting out his couch. He is now a former suspect in Rebecca’s murder who has repeatedly asked for the case file. He visits Lonnie, now a lawyer who needs a wheelchair. He tells Sam that on the night of the murder he drove by, saw Elizabeth and Sam talking, and did not stop. Sam visits Goldburg, who suggests he return to the scene of the third murder but only observe. Sam also visits Jenna, who is better off and living more cleanly. She refuses to help him.