In Atlanta, Dave Lockwood is married with three children, while his best friend Mitch Planko is single and at his sexual prime. After getting drunk at a bar, Mitch and Dave urinate into a fountain, simultaneously wishing they had each other’s lives.The next morning, Mitch and Dave realize they have switched bodies. They return to the park to wish for their lives back, but the fountain has been removed for restoration. Forced to wait until the parks department locates the fountain, Mitch and Dave agree to pose as each other. At Dave’s law office, Mitch befriends Dave’s assistant Sabrina, but his lack of professionalism and legal knowledge sabotage an important merger with a Japanese firm. Dave arrives at Mitch’s film shoot, discovering it is a “lorno” – “light” pornography.The Change-Up 2011 Movie Download.
Dave takes Mitch to tell his wife Jamie the truth, but Jamie does not believe him. Dave advises Mitch on how to behave professionally, and Mitch sets up Dave on a date with Sabrina, on whom Mitch has a crush.After speaking with his father, Mitch rededicates himself to Dave’s life. At her ballet recital, Dave’s eldest child Cara takes Mitch’s advice and throws her bully to the floor, to which Mitch foul-mouthedly cheers. Cara tells Mitch that she loves him and Mitch says the same, but feels guilty.The Change-Up 2011 Movie Download.
Dave takes the day off to take full advantage of being Mitch, who coaches him how to act like Mitch on the date, and shaves off Dave’s pubic hair. Sabrina meets Dave at a classy restaurant and, despite only going because Mitch told her to, genuinely likes him, and they get tattoos. Dave walks Sabrina home, and she tells him to call her.Mitch learns Dave previously told Jamie not to invite Mitch to their anniversary party, afraid he would ruin it with his usual antics. Dave informs Mitch the fountain has been found.