A lawyer from Texas who is known only as “The Counselor” and his girlfriend Laura are talking dirty to one another in bed. Meanwhile, somewhere in Mexico, cocaine is packaged in barrels and concealed in a sewage truck, and driven across the border to the United States where it’s stored at a sewage treatment plant.The Counselor 2013 Full Movie Download
The Counselor goes to Amsterdam to meet with a diamond dealer to purchase an engagement ring for Laura. There, he has a lengthy discussion with the Diamond Dealer about topics ranging from the business of diamonds, to philosophy surrounding Judaism and its place in the modern world. Returning to the United States, The Counselor attends a party back in Texas thrown by Reiner and his girlfriend Malkina. He discusses an upcoming drug deal he is going in on with Reiner, which would be The Counselor’s first. Their discussion ends with Reiner describing an execution device called “the bolito” which gradually strangles and decapitates the victim. Afterwards, at a dinner with Laura, The Counselor proposes to her and she accepts.The Counselor meets with Westray, a business associate of Reiner’s, to deliver his investment for the upcoming drug deal. Westray informs the Counselor of the deal’s 4000-percent return rate, but cautions the Counselor about becoming involved, saying that Mexican cartels are merciless. Despite this, the Counselor remains outwardly confident and unconcerned. Following the conversation with Westray, The Counselor visits a prison inmate named Ruth, a client of his who is on trial for murder. Ruth explains that her son is a biker who was recently arrested for speeding and cannot post bail. She asks the Counselor for help and he agrees to bail Ruth’s son out for her as a favor. Later, at a club, Reiner tells the Counselor how disturbed and oddly aroused he was from an incident where he witnessed Malkina masturbate with his Ferrari California’s[5] windshield.