It’s no secrete that privilege is a thing that only a certain spectrum of people enjoy. The fact that most of them don’t acknowledge it and go ahead and whine about how they have lived a repressed life, plays like a strange calling card for Adam Mervis’ smart subversion of the ‘whiny rich’ man in “The Last Days of Capitalism.” More so, the chain of supply and demand is the only narrative churner that is put into motion by the ‘desperate woman.’Mervis sets his film right in the midst of Las Vegas. There are no flashy lights or Casino rounds that take place though. This is about a middle-aged man who has been holed up in his penthouse hotel room. The first we see of the Man (Mike Faiola) and the Woman (Sarah Rose Harper) is in the opening moments of the film. The two are having an intimate moment that will soon become a blur when the one-night stand ends. Only – it doesn’t.The Last Days of Capitalism 2020 full Movie Download.
The Man is not ready to let go of the Woman just yet. He is there for a Bachelor party (or so he claims) and she is just doing her bit to make enough money to pay for her college tuition (or so she claims). He is a famous painter (or so he claims) while she works as a prostitute part-time (or so she claims) to make ends meet.Almost all of “The Last Days of Capitalism” is set inside the said hotel room. Budget constraints aside, the film uses its stage play like setting to dive into the two people at its centre.
‘He’ is clearly a whiney, self-important guy who likes mansplaining his way through his conversations. A large part of the film is dedicated to this persona where the woman just basically strokes this fragile persona just because there is a supply and demand put in place.He promises to pay her handsomely for her time and she gleefully agrees with a clear line of ‘no anal’ policy. This serves as the narrative’s basic outline to showcase the bigger capitalistic structure.