Still waters run deep in Rezwan Shahriar Sumit’s thoughtful debut. This story of an educated artist who travels to rural Bangladesh in search of inspiration is concerned with weighty issues of climate change, politics and religion, but wears them lightly enough to never become didactic. His film is striking enough to attract further interest after its London Film Festival debut, and producers are planning an awareness campaign to launch around Earth Day in April 2021. This, plus support from the likes of Spike Lee — who mentored Sumit at NYU Tisch and provided a writing grant for the development of the screenplay — is likely to help propel The Salt In Our Waters on its journey.Titas Zia is hugely likeable as the curly-haired, wide-eyed artist Rudro, who excitedly makes the arduous journey from his city home in Dhaka to a remote fishing village on the Ganges Delta. Accompanying him is a giant crate containing, as he describes it, his “universe”; several of the large statues he crafts either from memory (a beloved bust of his mother is one of his travelling companions) or imagination.The Salt in Our Waters 2020 Full Movie Download
That he has to bribe the port official to release his cargo is a portent of what’s to come, as is the fact that, when he finally arrives, the villagers’ enthusiastic welcome cools when they see the contents of his crate. In this strict Muslim community, such ‘icons’ are viewed with suspicion and fear. Rudro’s explanation that they are works of art with no religious significance will be one he repeats, with increasing frustration, throughout the film.As Rudro involves himself in the community, he comes to learn how this roost is ruled by the devout but self-serving imam, Chairman (huge Bangladeshi star Fazlur Rahman Babu), who keeps the villagers in line though a system of hefty loans and impossible interest. Money owed means the men have to go fishing every day, even during the furious monsoons that lash the island. Debris from previous storms — huge pieces of driftwood, a gigantic freighter ship — litter the shoreline, a landscape sculpted by the destructive power of nature.