In ancient Egypt, King Memtep makes a covenant with Anubis, lord of the underworld, to create a cursed sword so powerful that whoever possesses it could rule the world. The sword is fueled by taking the souls of its enemies; the names of those killed by the sword are forever written in the Book of Souls. The Scorpion King: Book of Souls 2018
Nebserek plunders the tomb of King Memtep and steals the Fang of Anubis (the sword). Meanwhile, his lieutenant Khensa captures the blacksmith Mathayus (Zach McGowan), who they claim is the Scorpion King (which he denies) and kills his friend Abel. A warrior from Nubia, Tala, frees the blacksmith and heals him with the stings of scorpions. She tells him that her father, Balthazar, King of Nubia, told her to find the legendary Scorpion King to help bring peace to Egypt. She demands he join in a quest to end the evil empire of Nebserek. Nebserek is warned by his priestess that the sword can be destroyed by the Book of Souls, so they begin to seek it out.
On the way to the Valley of the 13th Moon, Mathayus and Tala are captured by Uruk, leader of the Black Arrows, for trespassing. Mathayus requests he die with honor, being hunted, and Uruk accepts. After defeating and sparing the lives of four men and Uruk, Uruk releases them with respect. They continue on their quest to the gateway of the Temple of Scrolls. Tala opens the sacred gate using a lens that manipulates moonlight. Inside, they are attacked by a golem, Enkidu. A woman called Amina appears and explains that Enkidu was formed from clay and brought to life by magic to protect her. She reveals that she is the Book of Souls and sees and feels the souls taken by the Fang of Anubis. Wishing for her to join them, Mathayus traps Enkidu in the cave with a wall of fire and they head to the tomb of Memtep.