“Death comes to everyone. However, in our society, due to great advances in medical knowledge and technology over the last few decades, death does not come suddenly or completely unexpectedly to most people. Questions of fate have become questions of choice,” Justice Marie L. Garibaldi of the New Jersey Supreme Court has observed. Today, individuals generally have the right to consent to or refuse all types of medical care. This right was established by the legal doctrine of “informed consent,” which holds that a patient can choose the medical treatments he or she wants after being informed by a physician of the probable consequences of his or her decision. But whether a person also has the right to die when technology can sustain his or her life is the crux of an ethical dilemma facing health care providers, patients, and families in many parts of the world.The Sea Inside 2004 Movie Download.
Many people support voluntary euthanasia, which means assisting someone to refuse treatment who would otherwise be incapable of acting on his or her own; living wills and other advance directives cover this contingency. Other people go further and support active euthanasia, which is actually assisting someone in a procedure that will end his or her life. On the other side of this issue are those who argue that both voluntary and active euthanasia violate the sanctity of life. Believers in this approach maintain that only God has the right to decide when a person dies.The Sea Inside 2004 Movie Download.
The Sea Inside, directed by Alejandro Amenabar is Spain’s entry in the Best Foreign Language Film Category at the Academy Awards. The screenplay is based on the true story of quadriplegic Ramon Sampedro and his efforts to convince the courts of his right to die. For 28 years, he (Javier Bardem) has been in bed and taken care of by Manuela (Mabel Rivera), the compassionate wife of his brother Jose (Celso Bugallo) at their country home in Galicia.