Though legendary for a callous disregard for the lives of the sailors who criss-cross her stormy surfaces, the sea turns out to be a far milder mistress than Léa Seydoux in Ildikó Enyedi’s handsome but heavy-bottomed “The Story of My Wife,” the Hungarian director’s first return to Cannes since winning the Camera d’Or for her charming 1989 debut, “My Twentieth Century.” Starring Imola Lang’s superb 1920s/’30s production design, Leá Seydoux’s bouncy, tousled bob and Seydoux herself — in roughly that order — the film probably contains enough visual flourish to fill a perfectly watchable, if hardly groundbreaking feature. Just not one that sails dangerously close to the three-hour mark, taking on water the whole time.The Story of My Wife 2021 full Movie Download.
A central problem: This is much more the story of the veteran seaman husband of the titular wife, played recessively by Dutch actor Gijs Naber, who is apparently as passively weak-willed on land as he is capable and decisive on the water. Jakob Störr is the longtime captain of a cargo freighter who is advised to marry by his ship’s cook as a potential cure for chronic stomach pain, and, as he will do time and baffling time again, he follows this minor character’s counsel to the letter. At lunch in Paris with his roguish friend Kodor (Sergio Rubini), he announces his intention to marry “the first woman to walk through that door.”
Initially it seems he’s lucky that said woman is is the sultry and playful Lizzy (Seydoux), and positively lottery-winning that she goes along with his proposal, first as a game to make another suitor jealous, and then in (apparent) earnest. But the seeds of Jakob’s marriage-long discontent are right there in that first meeting with his future wife: throughout the course of his many absences at sea, and then during their more settled lives in Paris and Hamburg, he can never believe in her fidelity. The contradiction between Lizzy’s simultaneously seductive and derisive attitude toward him certainly keeps Jakob in a state of ongoing uncertainty as to her heart — in terms of the mysterious unknowable feminine, all secret smiles and private habits, Seydoux is well cast.