Jerry works at a bathtub factory, and lives in a modified apartment above a bowling alley with his dog, Bosco, and his cat, Mr. Whiskers. Jerry has schizophrenia, but chooses not to take his medication and enjoys delusions and hallucinations that manifest in the form of his pets talking to him. Bosco often represents his good intentions, while Mr. Whiskers represents his more violent nature. Jerry has a crush on his coworker Fiona, and asks her out on a date at a local Chinese dinner theater called Shi Shen. She agrees to go, but stands him up to go to a karaoke party with two other women from work, Lisa and Alison. Fiona’s car doesn’t start, leading her to flag down Jerry as he drives by. While driving her home, Jerry accidentally hits a deer, which crashes through his windshield. Jerry’s hallucinations show the deer begging him to put it out of its misery. Jerry does as told, using a hunting knife to cut its throat. Terrified, Fiona runs off into the woods. Jerry chases her, still carrying the knife, and tries to explain, but ends up tripping over Fiona, and accidentally stabbing her. Jerry tearfully apologizes for hurting her and says that he loves her. To end her pain, Jerry stabs her again, and she dies.The Voices 2014 Full Movie Download
Upon returning home, Bosco suggests he go to the police and confess, while Mr. Whiskers says there is no shame in what he did, but insists Jerry needs to dispose of the body. Jerry collects Fiona’s body but leaves a bloody shoe and pile of organs. He dismembers Fiona, packing her innards in numerous Tupperware containers and placing her severed head inside his fridge. As his delusions increase in intensity, Fiona’s head comes to life and starts talking to him. Jerry attempts to apologize once again, but she rejects his apology, citing the good life she had before she died. Fiona then demands Jerry take his medication.