The film begins with Sugar reading a medical journal article about a man named Imdad Khan, who was able to see even after his eyes were sealed shut and bandaged. Khan explained that he had learned this ability from a guru in India.Sugar travels to India to meet Khan and learn his secret. Khan teaches Sugar a meditation technique that allows him to see through the skin of his eyelids. Sugar masters this technique and returns home, where he begins to use his ability to win money at gambling.
At first, Sugar is careful to use his ability sparingly, but he soon becomes greedy and starts to gamble more and more heavily. He also begins to use his ability to cheat in other ways, such as reading people’s minds and seeing through the walls of banks.Sugar’s greed eventually leads to his downfall. He is caught cheating at gambling and is arrested. He is also diagnosed with a terminal illness.In the end, Sugar realizes that he has wasted his life on greed and self-indulgence. He regrets the choices he has made and the people he has hurt. He dies a lonely and unhappy man.