The story is a portrait of a young women, Ruba, whose live-in boyfriend has been sent to jail. The movie follows her struggles navigating a conservative society after his arrest.Third Person Singular Number 2009 full Movie Download.
Third time’s the charm for Mostofa Sarwar Farooki, a key exemplar of the new wave of Bangladeshi helmers known as “Chabial.” “Third Person Singular Number” is a thoroughly modern, stylistically assured story of a young woman — Nusrat Imroz Tisha, in a career-making role — negotiating independence in a society unwilling to grant single females a place of their own. Combining an indie sensibility with subcontinental elements, Farooki crafts a Bengali film that will hold its own on fest rosters without needing to rely on the usual Third World pigeonholes.
A disturbing, almost hallucinatory opening sets the mood, as Ruba (Tisha) wanders down an alley at night and is accosted by people who assume she’s a prostitute. Her recent past has been eventful: Her live-in partner, Munna (Mosharraf Karim), was arrested for murder, and his father, scandalized by the relationship anyway, kicked her out. She, in turn, leaves her mother’s place, uncomfortable under the roof of her unsympathetic stepfather.However, finding a place to rent as a single woman proves practically impossible, since the one willing man, Rahman (Abul Hayat), expects a roll in the hay. For that matter, so do all the men who offer Ruba jobs.
Pic’s strongest scene is in a car when a prospective employer feigns disgust at his brethren’s sordidness, and then pops in an Akon CD with the song “I Wanna Fuck You.” He doesn’t touch Ruba, but for pure creepiness, the sequence is hard to beat. Ruba’s revulsion, yet lack of surprise, is beautifully calibrated by Tisha.The film is not perfect: At times individual elements have difficulty flowing together. When Ruba gets a job as a copy editor, it comes out of the blue, and the sudden introduction of old schoolmate Topu (Rashed Uddin Ahmed Topu) feels artificial. It’s Topu, a singer on the track to stardom, who finds a place for Ruba to live, forcing them to question the nature of their friendship when Munna is released.