Filmmaker Martin “Marty” Di Bergi is creating a documentary that follows the English rock group Spinal Tap on their 1982 United States concert tour to promote their new album Smell the Glove. The band comprises childhood friends David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel on vocals and guitar, bassist Derek Smalls, keyboardist Viv Savage, and drummer Mick Shrimpton. They were known as the Originals until they found out another band had that name so they changed their name to the New Originals. They had a hit as the Thamesmen with their single “Gimme Some Money”, before changing their name to Spinal Tap and achieving a minor hit with the flower power anthem “Listen to the Flower People”, and finally transitioning to heavy metal. Several of their previous drummers died in strange circumstances: spontaneous human combustion (Peter James Bond), a “bizarre gardening accident” (John “Stumpy” Pepys), and choking on (someone else’s) vomit (Eric “Stumpy Joe” Childs).This Is Spinal Tap 1984 Movie Download.
Segments of Marty’s film show David and Nigel to be competent but dimwitted and immature musicians. At one point, Nigel shows Marty a custom-made amplifier that has volume knobs that go up to eleven, believing this would make their output louder.Nigel’s amplifier dials that go up to eleven; this scene is the origin of the term up to eleven.Several of the band’s tour shows are canceled because of low ticket sales, and major retailers refuse to sell Smell the Glove because of its sexist cover art.
Tensions arise between the band and their manager Ian Faith. David’s girlfriend Jeanine, a manipulative yoga and astrology devotee, joins the group on tour and participates in band meetings, influencing their costumes and stage presentation. The band’s distributor opts to release Smell the Glove with an entirely black cover without consulting the band. Despite their manager convincing the band that it would have a similar appeal to the Beatles’ White Album, the album fails to draw crowds to autograph sessions with the band.