Jagadish Dhanapal, an intelligence officer in the Indian Army, returns to Mumbai from Kashmir. On his arrival, his parents and younger sisters force him to see Nisha, who they choose for him to be married to. At the bride-viewing ceremony, Jagadish makes up excuses to avoid marrying her, which includes commenting about her being old-fashioned. On the contrary, Nisha is a university-level boxer, who is completely modern in her outlook. Jagadish notices her in a boxing match and falls in love with her instantly. Nisha reciprocates after refusing him initially.Thuppakki 2012 Movie Download.
One day, Jagadish witnesses the explosion of a bus in which he and his police officer-friend Balaji had travelled. He manages to capture the man who laid the bomb, but he escapes from the hospital where he was kept under custody. Jagadish captures the bomber again, and also forces the police officer who helped the bomber’s escape, to commit suicide. Jagadish soon learns that the bomber is a mere executor, a sleeper agent, whose only role was to plant the bomb. He also discovers that the sleeper cell, which the bomber belongs to, has planned various such attacks in the city in a couple of days. Enlisting the help of his fellow army men and Balaji, Jagadish manages to thwart these attacks and kill the sleeper agent leader’s brother and eleven other agents, including the previously captured sleeper agent.Thuppakki 2012 Movie Download.
When the leader of the sleeper cell learns about the role of Jagdish in thwarting the attack, he begins to target the families of the army men, except Jagadish, by kidnapping someone close to them. When Jagadish realises the plan, he substitutes one of the people to be kidnapped, with his younger sister Sanjana. Using his pet dog and his sister’s dupatta, he manages to reach the sleeper cell’s hideout, rescuing his sister, who was about to be killed after Jagadish’s bluff was exposed, and the other victims and eliminating the sleeper agents assembled there. The second-in-command of the sleeper agents is captured and killed by Jagdish.