Inside a haunted and creepy-looking mansion, Tom chases Jerry as usual while breaking everything in the process. Meanwhile, in the basement, Tom’s owner, a wizard named Chip, attempts to make a magical potion using his magical ring until he realizes it does not work. Chip checks the milk carton that he used on the potion, but there is no substitution for the milk of a cow that lives in Calcutta. Later, Chip throws Tom into the basement and orders him to guard his magic ring while he goes to Calcutta to milk the cow. If Tom does a good job, he’ll be rewarded with a big juicy salmon but if not, “there will one less kitty to clean up after around here”, meaning that Tom will be kicked out of the mansion for good. Chip then leaves for Calcutta using his motorcycle, leaving Tom in charge of guarding the ring in the basement. Unknown to Tom, an interested Jerry finds the ring while climbing the table and puts it on his head, wearing it like a crown. Jerry runs out of the mansion, and Tom frantically attempts to find him so he can get the ring back. The Magic Ring 2013.
After losing Tom, Jerry attempts to get the ring removed by going to a jewelry store owned by a diamond cutter. However, the store is closed since the owner has left for lunch. Tom sneaks into the store and disguises himself as a worker using his tail for a mustache and attempting to help Jerry get the ring off, but to no avail. He reveals his true identity. Tom then destroys the store and ends up getting chased away by the enraged owner.
Afterwards, Jerry runs off into a fortunetelling home owned by Butch and Droopy. After seeing how lovely the ring looks and including the fact that Jerry wants it removed, Butch attempts to pull it off, but also fails. Jerry then sees Physic Droopy. Tom comes in and Jerry runs out with Butch chasing after him as well. Soon, they end up in an alley where an alley cat happens to be taking a nap.