Jess prepares to take Tommy, her autistic son, on a boat trip with her friend Greg and hears the doorbell ring, but no one is there. Jess drives to a Florida harbor without Tommy, explaining that he is at his special needs school, and boards Greg’s boat with his married friends Sally and Downey, Heather, and Victor.At sea, a storm approaches, and they pick up a distress signal. The storm capsizes the boat and Heather is swept. The others climb onto the overturned boat when the storm clears.Triangle 2009 Movie Download.
They board an ocean liner as it passes; it appears to be deserted yet there is fresh food in the dining room. Jess experiences a sense of déjà vu as they explore. They find Jess’s keys near a display case for Aeolus, the ship’s namesake. Jess spots someone watching them and Victor gives chase. She and Greg find “Go To Theater” written in blood on a mirror. She returns to the dining room, where the food is now rotting. Victor, covered in blood, tries to kill Jess and she fights him off.
She hears gunfire and follows it to a theater, where Greg lies dead of a gunshot. Sally and Downey say that Greg told them Jess shot him. A masked shooter kills them and chases Jess; she disarms the shooter, who tells her “You have to kill them; it’s the only way to get home” before falling overboard.She hears yelling and sees a second Jess and the others arrive on Greg’s capsized boat and spot her as the earlier unseen figure: she drops her keys near the display case, is spotted, and attempts to warn Victor 2 when he chases her, only to accidentally impale his head on a wall hook. She finds dozens of the shooter’s outfits, several shotguns, her own locket, and a note saying to kill them all when they board.