he Trolls are small, colorful, perpetually-happy creatures who sing, dance, and hug all day. They are discovered by the gigantic, ugly, and miserable Bergens, who believe they can only feel happy by consuming a Troll. The Bergens imprison the Trolls in a caged tree, and eat them every year on a special occasion, Trollstice.
On the year that Prince Gristle Jr., son of King Gristle, is due to eat his first troll, the chef in charge of the ceremony discovers that the Troll King Peppy has taken his infant daughter, Princess Poppy, and his people and organized an escape. King Gristle banishes Chef, and she vows to find the trolls, while secretly plotting to become a hero and take over the kingdom as revenge for her exile.
Twenty years later, an adult Poppy organizes a gigantic party to celebrate the anniversary of the escape. A short-tempered, grey, survivalist troll named Branch warns that this could compromise their position, but everyone ignores him. His warnings come true when Chef follows the lights and noise and kidnaps several trolls, including Poppy’s love interest, a “zen” troll named Creek. While the rest cower in Branch’s survival bunker, Poppy sets off alone to rescue the victims. She naively gets herself into several potentially deadly situations and is finally rescued by Branch, who believes the quest is hopeless and reluctantly followed her to escape his crowded bunker.
Upon arrival in Bergen Town, Poppy and Branch see the now-King Gristle Jr. seemingly served Creek by Chef. Poppy still holds out hope Creek is alive, and finds the rest of the trolls guarded by a scullery maid named Bridget. Learning that Bridget is secretly in love with Gristle Jr., Poppy and the trolls agree to help her get a date in exchange for her help in ascertaining if Creek is alive. Branch refuses to sing along with the rest in the ensuing musical number; he and Poppy argue, and he reveals that he has refused to sing ever since his singing compromised his home’s location to Chef, who took and presumably ate his grandmother. His color turned from blue to grey that day from the guilt.